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Green Brook Cares

Green Brook Cares

Green Brook Cares


Rumson Cares is a program that focuses on using art for the good of people and charities. Rumson Cares is made up of Rumson School District Art Students who use their creativity and art to inspire, serve, and help those in need. Here at Rumson Cares we work closely with local, national, and international charities to help heal the world and inspire unity and happiness.

About  Our Partners

Rumson Cares seeks out local, national, and international organizations and charities that are willing to partner up with our students to help make a difference. 

All of our partners are advocates for children being involved in giving and volunteering to those in need. At Rumson Cares we do not focus on fundraising or on in-person volunteering. We simply use our art and our creativity.

Each of are partners are welcoming of our kindness and time as we create wonderful, heartfelt, and feel good art to serve their organizations

Meet Our Partners

Below are the organizations that have agreed to work with us and welcome our students on to their team. 

Click each partner to learn more about their organization !

Breast Cancer Awareness Cupcakes

Forrestdale Art Club Students Write Letters to Breast Cancer Fighters

Using positive imagery, empathy, and compassion, our Forrestdale Art Club students are spreading messages of hope and healing to fighters all over the country.

Congratulations to Annie
and Emma !


Forrestdale 5th graders, Annie and Emma Snevily, participated in Lunch Break's Charity Art Auction with three beautiful pieces of artwork. Lunch Break provide life’s basic necessities of food, clothinglife skills, and fellowship to the financially insecure individuals and families in Monmouth County.

Annie and Emma Snevily

Half Happy
Emma Snevily

Annie Snevily

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